Annual Craft Fair
Saturday, November 9, 2024
9am -3pm
at Shakopee High School
100 17th Ave W, Shakopee, MN 55379
Information for Crafters and Vendors
Booths are 10' x 10' or 10' x 20'
Booth Fees: $63 or $126
Food Truck Fees (Limit - 3): $63
Tables and chairs are available at no charge on a first-come, first-serve basis - supplies limited
Direct sale vendors will be limited to one per brand and on a first-come, first-serve basis. If another vendor with your brand has already registered, we will refund your payment.
Setup time is 7am-8:45am.
SSGP volunteers will be available to help vendors move items in.
Food trucks are expected to be onsite (weather permitting).
Frequently Asked Questions
What does my booth fee go towards?
The majority of booth fees go towards the 2025 Shakopee Senior Graduation Party. A portion of fees go to advertising and promotions of the SSGP Annual Craft Fair.
What types of advertising are done to promote the craft fair?
The SSGP Committee takes care of all advertising and promotions. We put up signage around the Shakopee community, post on Facebook, send emails to our database of 7000+ contacts, and put up signage around the Shakopee High School grounds. And, as this is a yearly event that has a following of loyal customers and vendors, there's also word of mouth.
Can I get a refund?
We do not provide refunds, unless the event is cancelled.
Who should I contact if I have a question or concern?
Contact us via email at shakopeeseniorgraduationparty@gmail.com (Please allow 24-48 hours for a reply).
What happens after submitting this form and paying the fees?
You will receive a receipt for the booth fee at the email address provided in the registration form.
When will I receive more information regarding the craft fair?
You will get an email the week of the event with all information needed for the event.
What size is the booth?
Booths are 10' x 10' or 10' x 20'
Can I leave early from the show if it is slow?
Please do not leave the show early without talking with us in advance. If you leave prior to the end of the event without talking with us in advance, we ask that you do not return to our future events. Leaving early does not look good to our customers and you never know how many sales you may miss by leaving.
How long do I have to tear down my stand at the end of the craft fair?
The craft fair ends at 3 p.m. We ask all vendors leave no later than 4:30.
Are tables and chairs provided?
A limited supply of tables (2'x4' in size) and chairs are available at no charge, on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you are dependent on having a table or chair, consider bringing your own as we can't guarantee we'll have enough available for everyone.