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Red Gradient

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the Shakopee Senior Graduation Party?

A: The Shakopee Senior Graduation Party takes place immediately following the Shakopee High School graduation ceremony to provide a fun and safe environment for new Shakopee graduates to celebrate with their classmates.


Q:  Who and what makes this event possible?

A:  This event is planned and managed by parents from the senior, junior, sophomore, and freshmen classes and volunteers from the community.  In addition to ticket sales for the party, funding is provided through business and individual donations and fundraisers SSGP plans throughout the year.  The Senior Party is a self-funded event that receives no money from the school district. SSGP is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. 

Q: Who is invited to the party?

A: All students receiving Shakopee High School Diplomas. The party is for all students who receive a Shakopee High School diploma this year from Shakopee Senior High or Tokata Learning Center. If you are questioning if you can attend, please email and ask.

Q:  Is it true that graduates are bussed to the party?

A:  Yes.  As part of the tradition, and for security, students MUST board the buses right after the graduation ceremony to be transported to the event at WhirlyBall in Bloomington. After the party ends, students will be bussed to Shakopee High School for pickup. For your everyone's safety, STUDENTS MUST HAVE A PARENT OR GUARDIAN PICK THEM UP at the Shakopee High School on Sunday morning at 2:30 am. No graduate should drive home after being up all night. 


Q: Who can attend the planning meetings?

A: All grade level Shakopee parents and members of the community (no students, please). Each party builds on the next. Underclassman parents are encouraged to attend meetings to begin learning how to build the party for their year.

Q: Can I get updates about SSGP activities even if I don't have time to volunteer?

A: Yes!  Go to the Volunteer/Get Updates tab and fill out the form to subscribe to our general emails.

Q: What happens at the planning meetings?

A: Please note: No students please!

  • Brainstorming and Teamwork...The meetings are for volunteers to brainstorm and work together as a team to make sure our seniors have a memorable, fun and safe party. The meetings are led by the current SSGP Board along with other committee volunteers. We work collaboratively to ensure the Seniors of Shakopee have a fun and safe way to celebrate their graduation with all of their classmates together for one last time.

  • In the early months (Aug - Dec), the discussions are about the venue, fundraising, building a budget, deciding on activities, etc. The later months (Jan - May) are determining the details (prizes, games, bussing, food. etc) for the party. Each meeting there are updates from the various committees, followed by a discussion as needed.

Q: Where is the party being held this year (2024)?

A: The Party is being held at WhirlyBall in Bloomington.  We are excited to hold the party in a venue offering the whole package to make it a fun and safe party with lots of activities, entertainment, food, prizes, etc. for the graduates.   


Q: What is the cost to graduates to attend the party?

A: The cost for the 2024 Party is $60 per graduate. The cost includes food, beverages, party venue fees, entertainment, prizes, bussing to and from the event, etc. and also helps with administrative costs for the SSGP committee to support our work to manage and plan the party (insurance, website management, etc.)

Q: I have a 9th, 10th or 11th grader. Does this benefit my student's party?

A: Yes...The fundraising we do this year also helps pay for ongoing/annual fees for items we need to keep SSGP going next year, such as our website and other fees that are annual. 

Q: Are there opportunities for students to get a discounted rate?

A: Yes, seniors may connect with their high school counselor if there are financial needs. The school contacts SSGP. 

Q: How do I sign up to volunteer?

A: It's easy! Go to the "Volunteer" page on our website. Choose the option that fits your interest and follow the steps. We will post all our volunteer opportunities on this page. You may sign up for as many as you would like. In fact, get family and friends to join you - it will be a fun time.


Q: How do I register my student for the party?

A: Please go to the 2024 Party page on our website for details.  


Q: Is SSGP on social media?

A: us on Facebook. The link is on the menu bar on this site.

Q: When the party first began over 45 years ago, there was almost 100% participation by the graduates. Why don't all graduates attend today?

A: In the early years of the party, the average class size was 200 students. The only option was the party and all seniors attended. Today with over 600 graduates, there are different scenarios for each student and we advertise as much as we can in order for all students to attend. It is the student’s choice to attend.

Q: How do I modify or unsubscribe from SSGP communication?

A: Most emails from SSGP have an "unsubscribe" link at the bottom. If not, please Contact Us below and ask us to remove you from emails.

Q: If my child has a disability or has a special diet or other circumstances, what do I need to do?

A: All Shakopee seniors - with and without disabilities - receiving a diploma can attend the party. We want everyone to attend — please let us know if you have dietary restrictions or require other special accommodations to attend! We will do our best to meet those needs. Please Contact Us below or email to inform us.

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